
SECRETS OF ENERGY WORK part 3: Telepathy

Isabella Kristin • 7 May 2022

How often have we been in situations, where we wished we would have been able to read someone´s mind, either to our own advantage, maybe simple curiosity or even envy, whatever the desire, we should first have the honesty to ask ourselves:
Do we REALLY want to know? Could we REALLY deal with the brutal thoughts our parents, lovers, siblings, friends or relatives have about us, whilst smiling into our faces like nothing ever happened?
Can you really stand in your own truth? Can you stay strong in your shadows and those of others?

If so, then your mind will automatically adapt to telepathy.

Telepathy is the ability to transfer knowledge with the mind only, no spoken word used, no other help needed, the messages being conveyed clearly and instantly.

Since we all have a lot of self talk, chit - chat and nonsense on our busy minds each day, it would be logical to assume telepathy embodies full sentences being transmitted: Whereas this might happen from time to time, telepathy mostly consists of transmitted states of consciousness, being expressed as immediate visions or feelings, a heart to heart based connection, where our desires will rather be shown on a visual and emotional frequency, which can directly be absorbed, merge with the frequency of the recipient and be "answered" the same way: A transmitted state of consciousness, including the all - knowing of both individuals.

This can feel as if one is able to read "the mind", yet they have just exchanged their desires and states of vibrational consciousness.

Depending on the quality of the relationship between individuals, they can influence each other via the morphogenetic field, the more aware they are of the connection, the better they can receive each other.

Mothers with their children and lovers with one another, those who share sacred DNA within their body or bodily fluids they use to interchange, have a higher ability to read each other correctly, with most people being aware of at least some intuition between themselves and close ones.

Highly trained psychics and spiritually evolved people will be able to get whole wisdom packages and downloads transmitted, whole libraries within just a few seconds, knowledge being absorbed into their conscious state of mind for them to access on demand, they themselves being able to use language that manipulates matter, molecule per molecule and expressing spoken and written word in a way that makes the recipient feel and live the whole experience "in time", which does not even exist within this kind of communication, it transcends our understanding of time  - space.

So the next time you wish to be able to read somebodys mind, be sure you can also deal with the information you are getting and the way it will be given to you.

The current state of humanity in its self - denial and victim consciousness, its fear of its own shadow, has still a long way to go until they want to wish for pure telepathy, most people could not handle being "read" nor "reading" others, too shocked and hurt would they be about their own inner turmoils, their mirrors, their ugly Egos, their pity - driven agendas, their dirty closets and basements.

Start with recognizing, accepting and mastering your true intuition first, then telepathy can be trained in baby-steps.
One step for each shadow you master.

Life Coaching Essence BLOG

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