The good thing: You do not need the spiritual advancement of Mother Mary or a nun to make very practical, daily use of your divine feminine calling, namely to manifest the divine male spirit into matter.
You need no partner, no husband, just yourself and your innocent, childlike pleasure.
When a women lets her mind, body and soul get penetrated by divine male expressions of art, religion, music, rhythmn, poetry, philosophy or even science she can get aroused and use this arousal to her advantage, by letting her emotional body being entered by a male expression of life force, which will then be absorbed and birthed into matter of some kind.
She can store this energy, which will give her just the amount of solar sparkle in her aura to attract the right circumstances into her life and keep her sexual life force high, making her irresistibly attractive also to the material world, because she is perceived as a conscious vessel within the metaphysical realm, ready to conceive.
As an example, she can listen to the same song by a male artist again and again, she can read a book, talk to a mentor, anything NOT directly sexual, she can fill herself up with anything that arouses her life force and makes her feel beautiful and adored, she can adjust the kind of male energy output - understanding, defending, gentle, whatever she is in need of - simply by following her natural flow of connection to the divine.
Speaking of the divine, it must be said that a woman should choose wisely which energies she lets herself get impregnated by, so she does not become a carrier of the wrong seed of demonic entity expression.
Never underestimate the power of the female energies when manifesting male energy input into something tangible, whether it is a child, a home, her husband´s success or failure, depending on the kind of input he is giving her.
Her energy will either bless or curse him, with many women completely oblivious to their own power, never connecting the dots between their resentment and anger about his actions and his following misfortune.
Therefore utmost attention must be given by every woman to her own awareness of self, her fertility of both soul and physical vessel, her vortex of attraction, her own state of vibrational being.
A man is always alchemically obliged to bring blessings to the womb and portal he worships and wants to enter, a man MUST give something in return, some of his own, material energy, some of his own money, some matter he himself created with his own sweat and power. If he fails to do so, because he is too stingy, thinks he is too poor or wants to delay until he feels more secure with himself, it is considered almost blasphemic. So much so, that this is not only seen as spiritual-energetic abuse draining the woman´s energy, but also blocking his financial success at the same time. It does not matter if you are already a "made man" or still climbing the ladder, you MUST bring your gifts to the woman. If she loves you, your mere act of generosity will soften her heart to bless you enormously and your finances will grow. NEVER EVER be stingy with your woman, it will never work to your favor. Avoid feelings of resentment when giving, that is contraproductive energy. Give freely and it will come back to you tenfold.
The more financial responsibility a man wants to take on for a woman he finds worthy enough to protect and provide for, the bigger chances of income he will get, just his free will and desire to do so will open doors that will stay forever closed to stingy men. Men who are blessed with daughters have their income abilities doubled immediately, since it is more costly to protect a girl than a boy.
A woman in her feminine power can turn you into a king - or make your whole empire crumble because you failed to honor her in loyalty.
A fully enlightened woman can conceive a child by spirit only, with the scientific proof of solely maternal DNA present in her offspring.
Parthenogenesis is real.
© Copyright Isabella Kristin 2022