
To Child or Not To Child: Why You Carry Cosmic Responsibility

Isabella Kristin • 21 May 2022

Our fear of death, precisely our fear of EGO - death, makes us long for something we can leave behind, some legacy, some mark, something we created, something we can proudly call OURS, OUR CREATION, because our fragile selfs cannot handle the thought that we just come and go without being famous, that our bodies will evaporate into dust one day, with little evidence that our physical avatars even ever existed. So we must go out and create, we must find something we can project all our unlived wishes onto, we feel the pressure rise to procreate, with the sexual act being the antidot to death, the life giving union.
Once we have done so, we will find that the CREATION, the CHILD, can never take away our fears, now we have even multiplied them, given forth karmic responsibilities - and that our Ego will STILL have to die.

No other decision in our life has the same, long  - lasting and soul changing effects on us than the coming forth of our own offspring, when we are confronted with our biggest mirrors and teachers, our children.

The majority of humans never calls to question why they even want children, to them they seem like an automated response to mating behaviour, that will most probably arise and come to life during their existence. Whereas they seem to know some basic biology on how conception occurs on a physical level, little to nothing do they know about their own desires, their unconscious projections, the value and meaning pregnancy represents within the nonphysical realm nor do they understand what their parenting role is all about.

First and foremost, pregnancy is a sign of the desire to expand, to grow, to continue and to merge consciousness into the manifestation process, which in this case unfolds during the whole nine months.
Would there have been no physical conception due to an infertile time within the woman´s cycle or an absent ejaculation, the sexual energy still released by the male partner would have impregnated the female spirit only, with her birthing the wish inside her psyche and body to grow his empire, the classical feminine alchemy of multiplication.

Now there is a promise growing, with no soul yet attached to it, which can therefore be expelled, oftentimes unknowingly, by the woman herself with her next period or shortly after. If spirit is interested in claiming a certain body due to karmic or experimental life desire, a woman connected to the divine will feel and know this and act accordingly. Sometimes the spirit/soul may desire to be birthed, sometimes the spirit just needs to rest in a womb for some while, before he reconnects to the divine, partly explaining stillbirth or other pregnancy interruptions.

There is no obligation to give birth and procreate, it is your own decision.

If you wish to have children of your own, be aware of the cosmic responsibility that you carry, you are asked to understand the whole process of conception, pregnancy and childbirth FIRST, to ensure a smooth ride for both the mother and the child.
Incoming spirits do not favor stress, unhealthy relationships, loud environments or struggle, they are incarnating in love to support your full soul expansion - they do NOT belong TO YOU, they are coming in as your teachers in full trust to be understood, known and recognized by the people who agreed to take on the parenting role in this lifetime to spread divinity together, as a family.

The "child" spirit, even though operating as a sometimes annoying baby with diapers in the physical realm, might be much more evolved than you on soul level, so you are asked to humble yourself as a parent and listen to your children carefully whilst making them comfortable in this earthly existence, so they can obtain and hold their highest expression of divine manifestation on earth, to increase the overall vibration to a higher frequency WITH YOU.

Your job is to be fully authentic, in your own truth, aware of your shadows and in complete charge of your animal nature whilst protecting the child´s physical body until they can protect themselves.
Learn the art of tuning into another person nonverbally, train your telepathic and intuitive senses first, bevor you choose speech in your family and with your children.
It will greatly enhance your communicative talents and strengthen the bond with one another.
Practise listening with your heart first before you respond.
Learn to accept that your children still have a wider range of frequency recognition, so do not belittle them.

What you maybe tend to interpret as fantasy, childish nonsense or rebellion, might be their soul desperately trying to pull you back on your own divine path, of which you might have lost track already.
This soul and you came together to unite for a specific, alchemical evolution, which is entirely personal and intimate and might only make sense to you and your closest family. There is no need to satisfy others or society with your most sacred family values, so release the pressure to conform, it can lead to great pain for everyone involved.

You MUST stand firmly in your own truth before you invite a soul, aka trying to conceive with a partner.

Be aware that giving forth your DNA binds you to earth to some degree and can keep you in these realms for longer than your soul needs or wants, so make sure the wish and desire to procreate is TRULY YOURS and NOT A PROJECTION OF YOUR SOCIO - CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT.

A pregnant woman is NOT MEANT to do anything that does not align fully with her state of being, she is in a very sensitive manifestation process, where every second contributes energetically to the quality of her and the physical body of the child as well as the birthing experience itself.

She is supposed to do whatever she feels like and keep herself and her muscles as fit and strong as possible, having access to all crucial nutrients for body and soul and never be stressed about material needs, those must be provided to her first by the father of the child and second by her community, so she can dedicate her all into this special time. If she feels like whatever work will contribute to her wellbeing, she can do so.

In the moment of the first breath, the soul and body unite and become most vulnerable, it is not recommended to have anybody else than the parents even touch or come near the newborn, since they are basically energetically transparent, so to speak, and will absorb trauma from lower beings - in the absolutely best case the mother gives birth ALONE in an environment charged with the most relaxing, yet wild natural forces, to fill her with both peace of mind and survival energy which she can channel to trust in her capability to transform pain into bliss.

This experience is a NO-GO ZONE FOR MEN, it is known and proven that in complicated births as soon as the father leaves the delivery room, the woman can finally release her survival portion of the dark feminine, let go completely and the baby comes immediately.
This is a FEMALE ONLY REALM, with the woman being in full trust into herself, being surrounded solely by widwifes of the highest spiritual quality, who will empower her sexuality and know how to initiate with dancing, singing and creating a transcendental vibe for her, eliminating shame.
Besides the parents, those highly evolved midwifes are the only ones allowed giving their blessings first or, when complicated, being allowed to touch the child by assisting the process.

What about the families of the parents? They will want to come visit immediately and hold the baby.


Do you really want your alcoholic brother or sadistic auntie to grabble their evilness onto the fragile baby?
If you have already evolved, not wanting to repeat traumatic, dysfunctional cycles, you will wish to simply keep your distance.




Life Coaching Essence BLOG

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